Centrum Algatech

Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. - vědecké pracoviště Třeboň



Prášil, O: Govindjee, an institution, at his 80th (really 81st) birthday in Třeboň in October, 2013: a pictorial essay. Photosynthesis Research 122, 113–119, 2014.


Quigg, A, Kotabová, E, Jarešová, J, Kaňa, R, Šetlík, J, Šedivá, B, Komárek, O, Prášil, O: Photosynthesis in Chromera velia repressents a simple system with high efficiency. PLoS One 7(10), e47036, 2012.


Rabouille, S*, Campbell, D, Masuda, T, Zavřel, T, Bernát, G, Polerecky, L, Halsey, K, Eichner, M, Kotabová, E, Stephan, S, Lukeš, M, Claquin, P, Bonomi-Barufi, J, Lombardi, AT, Červený, J, Suggett, DJ, Giordano, M, Kromkamp, JC, Prášil, O: Electron & Biomass Dynamics of Cyanothece Under Interacting Nitrogen & Carbon Limitations. Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 617802, 2021. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2021.617802


Ruan, Z, Prášil, O, Giordano, M*: The phycobilisomes of Synechococcus sp. are constructed to minimize nitrogen use in nitrogen-limited cells and to maximize energy capture in energy-limited cells. Environmental and Experimental Botany 150, 152-160, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2018.01.015


Saccon, F, Durchan, M, Kaňa, R, Prášil, O, Ruban, AV, Polívka, T*: Spectroscopic Properties of Violaxanthin and Lutein Triplet States in LHCII are Independent of Carotenoid Composition. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 123(44), 9312-9320, 2019. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b06293


Santabarbara, S*, Casazza, AP, Belgio, E, Kaňa, R, Prášil, O: Light Harvesting by Long-Wavelength Chlorophyll Forms (Red Forms) in Algae: Focus on their Presence, Distribution and Function. In: Photosynthesis in Algae: Biochemical and Physiological Mechanisms. Springer 45, 261-297, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-33397-3_11


Schreiber, IF, Pilátová, J, Malych, R, Kotabova, E, Krijt, M, Vyoral, D, Mach, J, Léger, T, Camadro, JM, Prášil, O, Lesuisse, E, Sutak, R*: Copper and iron metabolism in Ostreococcus tauri – the role of phytotransferrin, plastocyanin and a chloroplast copper-transporting ATPase. Metallomics 11(10), 1657-1666, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1039/c9mt00078j


Schuback, N*, Tortell, PD, Berman-Frank, I, Campbell, DA, Ciotti, A, Courtecuisse, E, Erickson, ZK, Fujiki, T, Halsey, K, Hickman, AE, Huot, Y, Gorbunov, MY, Hughes, DJ, Kolber, ZS, Moore, CM, Oxborough, K, Prášil, O, Robinson, CM, Ryan-Keogh, TJ, Silsbe, G, Simis, S, Suggett, D, Thomalla,, S, Varkey, DR: Single-Turnover Variable Chlorophyll Fluorescence as a Tool for Assessing Phytoplankton Photosynthesis and Primary Productivity: Opportunities, Caveats and Recommendations. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 690607, 2021. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.690607


Silsbe, GM, Oxborough, K, Suggett, DJ,  Forster, RM, Ihnken, S,  Komárek, O, Lawrenz, E,  Prášil, O, Röttgers, R, Šicner, M, Simis, SGH, Van Dijk, MA, Kromkamp, JC: Toward autonomous measurements of photosynthetic electron transport rates: An evaluation of active fluorescence-based measurements of photochemistry. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 13 (3), 138-155, 2015.


Tilstone, G*, Šedivá, B, Tarran, G, Kaňa, R, Prášil, O: Effect of CO2 enrichment on phytoplankton photosynthesis in the North Atlantic sub-tropical gyre. Progress in Oceanography 158, 76-89, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2016.12.005


Venuleo, M, Prášil, O, Giordano, M*: Life at elevated CO2 modifies the cell composition of Chromera velia (Chromerida). European Journal of Phycology 53(1), 58-66, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1080/09670262.2017.1376255


Vredenberg, W, Durchan, M, Prášil, O: The analysis of PS II photochemical activity using single and multi-turnover excitations. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 107, 45-54, 2012.


Vredenberg, W, Prášil, O: On the polyphasic quenching kinetics of chlorophyll a fluorescence in algae after light pulses of variable length. Photosynthesis Research 117, 321-337, 2013.


Yoshida, K*, Endo, H, Lawrenz, E, Isada, T, Hooker, SB, Prášil, O, Suzuki, K*: Community composition and photophysiology of phytoplankton assemblages in coastal Oyashio waters of the western North Pacific during early spring. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 212, 80-94, 2018. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2018.06.018

Behrenfeld, M.J., Prášil, O., Babin, M., Bruyant, F.: In search of a physiological basis for covariations in light-limited and light-saturated photosynthesis. - Journal of Phycology 40, 4-25, 2004.
Behrenfeld, M.J., Prášil, O., Kolber, Z.S., Babin, M., Falkowski, P.G.: Compensatory changes in Photosystem II electron turnover rates protect photosynthesis from photoinhibition. - Photosynthesis Research 58, 259-268, 1998.
Bonnet, S., Guieu, C., Bruyant, F., Prášil, O., Van Wambeke, F., Raimbault, P., Moutin, T., Grob, C., Gorbunov, M.Y., Zehr, J.P., Masquelier, S.M., Garczarek, L., Claustre, H.: Nutrient limitation of primary productivity in the Southeast Pacific (BIOSOPE cruise). – Biogeosciences 5 (1), 215-225, 2008.
Bruyant, F., Babin, M., Genty, B., Prášil, O., Behrenfeld, M.J., Claustre, H., Bricaud, A., Garczarek, L., Holrzendorff, J., Koblížek, M., Doušová, H., Partensky, F.: Diel variations in the photosynthetic parameters of Prochlorococcus strain PCC 9511: Combined effects of light and cell cycle. - Limnology and Oceanography 50 (3), 850-863, 2005.
Bumba, L., Prášil, O., Vácha, F.: Antenna ring around trimeric Photosystem I in chlorophyll b containing cyanobacterium Prochlorothrix hollandica. - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1708, 1-5, 2005.
Claustre, H., Babin, M., Meien, D., Ras, J., Prieur, L. Dallot, S., Prášil, O., Doušová, H., Moutin, T.: Toward a taxon-specific parameterization of bio-optical models of primary production: A case study in the North Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research 110, C07S12, doi:10.1029/2004JC002634, 1-17, 2005.

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