Centrum Algatech

Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. - vědecké pracoviště Třeboň


Rontani, J-F., Koblížek, M., Beker, B., Bonin, P., Kolber, Z.S.: On the origin of cis-vaccenic acid photodegradation products in the marine environment. – Lipids 38, 1085-1092, 2003.
Koblížek, M., Prášil, O.: SAR11 - vládce sedmi moří. Nejběžnější mořské bakterie unikaly naší pozornosti. - Vesmír 82, 396-397, 2003.
Koblížek, M., Prášil, O.: Jak zúrodnit oceánské pouště. “Železné” experimenty nástroje poznání biologických procesů. - Vesmír 82, 136-139, 2003.
Koblížek, M., Béja, O., Bidigare, R.R., Christensen, S., Beníter-Nelson, B., Vertiani, C., Kolber, M.K., Falkowski, P.G., Kolber, Z.S.: Isolation and characterization of Erythrobacter sp. strains from the upper ocean. – Archives of Microbiology 180, 327-338, 2003.
Masojídek, J., Kopecký, J., Koblížek, M., Torzillo, G.: The xanthophyll cycle in green algae (Chlorophyta): its role in the photosynthetic apparatus. - Plant Biology 6, 342-349, 2004.
Chen, Y-B., Durnford, D.G., Koblížek, M., Falkowski, P.G.: Plastid regulation of Lhcb1 Transcription in the Chlorophyte alga Dunaliella tertiolecta. - Plant Physiology 136, 3737-3750, 2004.
Rontani, J.-F., Christodoulou, S., Koblížek, M.: GC-MS structural characterization of fatty acids from marine aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria. - Lipids 40 (1), 97-108, 2005.
Oz, A., Sabehi, G., Koblížek, M., Massana, R., Béja, O.: Roseobacter-Like bacteria in red and Mediterranean see aerobic anoxygenic photosynthetic population. - Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71 (1), 344-353, 2005.
Koblížek, M., Shih, J.D., Breitbart, S.I., Ratcliffe, E.C., Kolber, Z.S., Hunter, C.N., Niederman, R.A.: Sequential assembly of photosyntzhetic units in Rhodobacter sphaeroides as revealed by fast repetition rate analysis of variable bacteriochlorophyll a fluorescence. - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1706, 220-231, 2005.
Koblížek, M., Ston-Egiert, J., Sagan, S., Kolber, Z.S.: Diel changes in bacteriochlorophyll a concentration suggest rapid bacterioplankton cycling in the Baltic Sea. - FEMS Microbiology Ecology 51, 353-361, 2005.
Bruyant, F., Babin, M., Genty, B., Prášil, O., Behrenfeld, M.J., Claustre, H., Bricaud, A., Garczarek, L., Holrzendorff, J., Koblížek, M., Doušová, H., Partensky, F.: Diel variations in the photosynthetic parameters of Prochlorococcus strain PCC 9511: Combined effects of light and cell cycle. - Limnology and Oceanography 50 (3), 850-863, 2005.
Biebl, H., Allgaier, M., Tindall, B.J., Koblížek, M., Lünsdorf, H., Pukall, R., Wagner-Döbler, I.: Dinoroseobacter shibae gen. nov., sp. nov., a new aerobic phototrophic bacterium isolated from dinoflagellates. - International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 55, 1089-1096, 2005.
Mašín, M., Zdun, A., Stón-Egiert, J., Nausch, M., Labrenz, M., Moulisová, V., Koblížek, M.: Seasonal changes and diversity of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in the Baltic Sea. - Aquatic Microbial Ecology 45, 247-254, 2006.
Koblížek, M., Falkowski, P.G., Kolber, Z.S.: Diversity and distribution of photosynthetic bacteria in the Black Sea. Deep-Sea Research II - Topical Studies in Oceanography 53 (17-19), 1934-1944, 2006.
Koblížek, M., Mašín, M., Ras, J., Poulton, A.J., Prášil, O.: Rapid growth rates of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in the ocean. - Environmental Microbiology 9(10), 2401-2406, 2007. IF 4,630
Salka, I., Moulisová, V., Koblížek, M., Jost, G., Jürgens, K., Labrens, M.: Abundance, depth distribution, and composition of aerobic bacteriochlorophyll a-producing bacteria in four basins of the Central Baltic Sea. – Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74 (14), 4398-4404, 2008.
Rontani, J.-F., Koblížek, M.: Regiospecific enzymatic oxygenation of cis-accenic acid in the marine phototrophic bacterium Erythrobacter sp. strain MG3. – Lipids 43, 1065-1074, 2008.
Mašín, M., Nedoma, J., Pechar, L., Koblížek, M.: Distribution of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in temperate freshwater systems. – Environmental Microbiology 10 (8), 1988-1996, 2008.
Gasol, J.M., Pinhassi, J., Alonso-Sáez, L., Ducklow, H., Herndl, G.J., Koblížek, M., Labrenz, M., Luo, Y., Morán, X.A.G., Reinthaler, T., Simon, M.: Towards a better understanding of microbial carbon flux in the sea. – Aquatic Microbial Ecology 53, 21-38, 2008.
Van Mooy, B.A.S., Fredericks, H.F., Pedler, B.E., Dyhrman, S.T., Karl, D.M., Koblížek, M., Lomas, M.W., Mincer, T.J., Moore, L.R., Moutin, T., Rappé, M.S., Webb, E.A.: Phytoplankton in the ocean use non-phosphorus lipids in response to phosphorus scarcity. – Nature 458, 69-72, 2009.

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