Centre Algatech

Institute of Michrobiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic



Sergejevová, M, Malapascua, JR, Kopecký, J, Masojídek, J: Photobioreactors with internal illumination. Algal Biorefineries 2, 213-236, 2015.


Ihnken, S, Beardall, J, Kromkamp, JC, Gómez, SC, Torres, MA, Masojídek, J, Malpartida, I, Abdala, R, Jerez, CG, Malapascua, JR, Navarro, E, Rico, RM, Peralta, E, Ezequil, JPF, Figueroa, FL: Light acclimation and pH perturbations affect photosynthetic performance in Chlorella mass culture. Aquatic Biology 22, 95-110, 2014.


Stará, A, Sergejevová, M, Kozák, P, Masojídek, J, Velíšek, J, Kouba A: Resistence of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) to oxidative stress after chloramine-T treatment is increased by microalgae carotenoid-rich diet. Neuroendocrinology Letters 35(2), 71–80, 2014.


Malpartida, I, Jerez, CG, Morales, MM, Nascimento, P, Freire, I, Ezequiel, J, Rico, RM, Peralta, E, Malapascua, JR, Florez, Y, Masojídek, J, Abdala, R, Figueroa, FL, Navarro, E: Synergistic effect of UV radiation and nutrient limitation on Chlorella fusca (Chlorophyta) cultures grown in outdoor cylindrical photobioreactors. Aquatic Biology 22, 141-158, 2014.


Kouba, A, Velíšek, J, Stará, A, Masojídek J, Kozák, P: Supplementation with Sodium Selenite and Selenium-Enriched Microalgae Biomass Show Varying Effects on Blood Enzymes Activities, Antioxidant Response, and Accumulation in Common Barbel (Barbus barbus). BioMed Research International, 408270, 2014.


Malapascua, JRF, Jerez, CG, Sergejevová, M, Figueroa, FL, Masojídek, J: Photosynthesis monitoring to optimize growth of microalgal mass cultures: application of chlorophyll fluorescence techniques. Aquatic Biology 22, 123-140, 2014.


Jerez, CG, Navarro, E, Abdala, R, Malpartida, I, Rico, RM, Masojídek, J, Figueroa, FL: Hydrodynamics and photosynthesis performance of Chlorella fusca  grown in a  thin-layer cascade. Aquatic Biology 22, 111-122, 2014..


Masojídek, J, Torzillo, G, Koblížek, M: Photosynthesis in Microalgae. In: Handbook of Microalgal Culture: Applied Phycology and Biotechnology, Second Edition. Blackwell Publishing, 21-36, 2013.


Kouba, A, Sales, J, Sergejevová, M, Kozák, P, Masojídek, J: Colour intensity in angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) as influenced by dietary microalgae addition. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 29(1), 193–199, 2013.


Urban, J, Štys, D, Sergejevová, M, Masojídek, J: Expertomica Fishgui: comparison of fish skin colour. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 29, 172-180, 2013.


Sergejevová, M, Masojídek, J: Chlorella biomass as feed supplement for freshwater fish: sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus. Aquaculture Research 44, 157-159, 2013.


Benavides, AMS, Torzillo, G, Kopecký, J, Masojídek, J: Productivity and biochemical composition of Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bacillariophyceae) cultures grown outdoors in tubular photobioreactors and open ponds. Biomass and Bioenergy 54, 115-122, 2013.


Torzillo, G, Faraloni, C, Silva, AM, Kopecký, J, Pilný, J, Masojídek J: Photoacclimation of Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bacillariophyceae) cultures grown outdoors in photobioreactors and open ponds. European Journal of Phycology 47, 169-181, 2012.


Zaťková, I, Sergejevová, M, Urban, J, Vachta, R, Štys, D, Masojídek, J: Carotenoid-enriched microalgal biomass as feed supplement for freshwater ornamentals: albinic form of wels catfish (Silurus glanis). Aquaculture Nutrition 17, 278-286, 2011.


Masojídek, J, Souček, P, Máchalová, J, Frolík, J, Klem, K, Malý, J: Detection of photosynthetic herbicides: Algal growth inhibition test vs. electrochemical photosystem II biosensor. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74, 117-122, 2011.


Masojídek, J, Kopecký, J, Giannelli, L, Torzillo, G: Productivity correlated to photobiochemical performance of Chlorella mass cultures grown outdoors in thin-layer cascades. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 38, 307-317, 2011.

Masojídek J., Prášil, O.: The development of microalgal biotechnology in the Czech Republic. – Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 37, 1307-1317, 2010.
Sukenik, A., Beardall, J., Kromkamp, J.C., Kopecký, J., Masojídek, J., van Bergeijk, S., Gabai, S., Shaham, E., Yamshon, A.: Photosynthetic performance of outdoor Nannochloropsis mass cultures under a wide range of environmental conditions. - Aquatic Microbial Ecology 56297-308, 2009.
Masojídek, J.: Ivan Šetlík (1928-2009) – Journal of Applied Phycology 21, 483-488, 2009
Masojídek, J., Sergejevová, M., Rottnerová, K., Jirka, V., Korečko, J., Kopecký, J., Zaťková, I., Torzillo, G., Štys, D.: A two-stage solar photobioreactor for cultivation of microalgae based on solar concentrators. – Journal of Applied Phycology 21, 55-63, 2009.

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