Laboratory of algal biotechnology
Pavel Hrouzek's group
Bioactive compounds
Publication | Year |
Bárcenas-Pérez, D, Lukeš, M, Hrouzek, P, Zápal, J, Kuzma, M, Kopecký, J, Kubáč, D, Arredondo-Vega, BO, Cheel, J*: Bio-production of eicosapentaenoic acid from the diatiom Nanofrustulum shiloi via two-step high performance countercurrent chromatography. Journal of Applied Phycology 34, 2995-3010, 2022. | 2022 |
Bárcenas-Pérez, D, Lukeš, M, Hrouzek, P, Kubáč, D, Kopecký, J, Kaštánek, P, Cheel, J*: A biorefinery approach to obtain docosahexaenoic acid and docosapentaenoic acid n-6 from Schizochytrium using high performance countercurrent chromatography. Algal Research 55, 102241, 2021. | 2021 |
Bárcenas-Pérez, D, Střížek, A, Hrouzek, P, Kopecký, J, Barradas, M, Sierra-Ramirez, A, Fernandez-Marcos, PJ, Cheel, J*: Production of Fucoxanthin from Phaeodactylum tricornutum Using High Performance Countercurrent Chromatography Retaining Its FOXO3 Nuclear Translocation-Inducing Effect. Marine Drugs 19(9), 517, 2021. | 2021 |
Činčárová, D, Hájek, J, Dobřichovský, M, Lukeš, M, Hrouzek, P*: Recommendations on the quantitative analysis of pheophorbides photosensitizers present in algal biomass intended as food supplement. Algal Research 56, 102298, 2021. | 2021 |
Delawská, K, Divoká, P, Sedlák, D, Kuzma, M, Saurav, K, Macho, M, Steinbach, G, Hrouzek, P*: New Insights into Tolytoxin Effect in Human Cancer Cells: Apoptosis Induction and the Relevance of Hydroxyl Substitution of Its Macrolide Cycle on Compound Potency. Chembiochem 23(1), e202100489, 2022. https:// | 2022 |
Delawská, K, Hájek, J, Voráčová, K, Kuzma, M, Mareš, J, Vicková, K, Kádek, A, Tučková, D, Gallob, F, Divoká, P, Moos, M, Opekar, S, Koch, L, Saurav, K, Sedlák, D, Novák, P, Urajová, P, Dean, J, Gažák, R, Niedermeyer, TJH, Kameník, Z, Šimek, P, Villunger, A, Hrouzek, P*: Discovery of nostatin A, an azole-containing proteusin with prominent cytostatic and pro-apoptotic activity. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 23(2), 449-460, 2025. | 2025 |
Fábryová, T, Cheel, J*, Kubáč, D, Hrouzek, P, Vu, DL, Tůmová, L, Kopecký, J: Purification of lutein from the green microalgae Chlorella vulgaris by integrated use of a new extraction protocol and a multi-injection high performance counter-current chromatography (HPCCC). Algal Research 41, 101574, 2019. | 2019 |
Fábryová, T, Kubáč, D, Kuzma, M, Hrouzek, P, Kopecký, J, Tůmová, L, Cheel, J*: High-performance countercurrent chromatography for lutein production from a chlorophyll-deficient strain of the microalgae Parachlorella kessleri HY1. Journal of Applied Phycology 33(4), 1999-2013, 2021. | 2021 |
Fábryová, T, Tůmová, L, Correia da Silva, D, Pereira, MD, Andrade, PB, Valentão, P, Hrouzek, P, Kopecký, J, Cheel, J*: Isolation of astaxanthin monoesters from the microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis by high performance countercurrent chromatography (HPCCC) combined with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Algal Research 49C, 101947, 2020. | 2020 |
Galica, T, Hrouzek, P, Mareš, J*: Genome mining reveals high incidence of putative lipopeptide biosynthesis NRPS/PKS clusters containing fatty acyl-AMP ligase genes in biofilm-forming cyanobacteria. Journal of Phycology 53(5), 985-998, 2017. | 2017 |
Galica, T, Borbone, N, Mareš, J, Kust, A, Caso, A, Esposito, G, Saurav, K, Hájek, J, Řeháková, K, Urajová, P, Costantino, V, Hrouzek, P*: Cyanochelins, an Overlooked Class of Widely Distributed Cyanobacterial Siderophores, Discovered by Silent Gene Cluster Awakening. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87(17), e0312820, 2021. | 2021 |
Grivalský, T, Ranglová, K, Camara Manoel, J, Lakatos, GE, Lhotský, R, Masojídek, J*: Development of thin-layer cascades for microalgae cultivation: milestones (review). Folia Microbiologica 64(5), 603-614, 2019. | 2019 |
Grivalský, T*, Lakatos, GE, Štěrbová, K, Camara Manoel, JA, Beloša, R, Divoká, P, Kopp, J, Kriechbaum, R, Spadiut, O, Zwirzitz, A Trenzinger, K, Masojídek, J: Poly‑β‑hydroxybutyrate production by Synechocystis MT_a24 in a raceway pond using urban wastewater. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 108(1), 44, 2024. | 2024 |
Grivalský, T*, Ranglová, K, Lakatos, GE, Camara Manoel, JA, Černá, T, Barceló-Villalobos, M, Estrella, FS, Ördög, V, Masojídek, J: Bioactivity assessment, micropollutant and nutrient removal ability of Tetradesmus obliquus cultivated outdoors in centrate from urban wastewater. Journal of Applied Phycology 34, 2955-2970, 2022. | 2022 |
Grivalský, T*, Střížek, A, Přibyl, P, Lukavský, J, Čegan, R, Hobza, R, Hrouzek, P: Comparison of various approaches to detect algal culture contamination: a case study of Chlorella sp. contamination in a Phaeodactylum tricornutum culture. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 105(12), 5189-5200, 2021. | 2021 |
Hájek, J, Bieringer, S, Voráčová, K, Macho, M, Saurav, K, Delawská, K, Divoká, P, Fišer, R, Mikušová, G, Cheel, J, Fewer, DP, Vu, DL, Paichlová, J, Riepl, H, Hrouzek, P*: Semi-synthetic puwainaphycin/minutissamide cyclic lipopetides with improved antifungal activity and limited cytotoxicity. RCS Advances 11(49), 30873-30886, 2021. | 2021 |
Hrouzek, P*: Secondary Metabolites Produced by Cyanobacteria in Symbiotic Associations. In: Algal and Cyanobacteria Symbioses. World Scientific, 611-626, 2018. | 2018 |
Cheel, J*, Urajová, P, Hájek, J, Hrouzek, P, Kuzma, M, Bouju, E, Faure, K, Kopecký, J: Separation of cyclic lipopeptide puwainaphycins from cyanobacteria by countercurrent chromatography combined with polymeric resins and HPLC. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 409(4), 917-930, 2017. | 2017 |
Cheel, J*, Hájek, J, Kuzma, M, Saurav, K, Smýkalová, I, Ondráčková, E, Urajová, P, Vu, DL, Faure, K, Kopecký, J, Hrouzek, P*: Application of HPCCC Combined with Polymeric Resins and HPLC for the Separation of Cyclic Lipopeptides Muscotoxins A⁻C and Their Antimicrobial Activity. Molecules 23(10), E2653, 2018. | 2018 |
Kust, A, Mareš, J, Jokela, J, Urajová, P, Hájek, J, Saurav, K, Voráčová, K, Fewer, DP, Haapaniemi, E, Permi, P, Řeháková, K, Sivonen, K, Hrouzek, P*: Discovery of a Pederin Family Compound in a Nonsymbiotic Bloom-Forming Cyanobacterium. ACS Chemical Biology 13(5), 1123-1129, 2018. | 2018 |