Laboratory of Photosynthesis
Josef Komenda`s group
Biogenesis of Photosystem II
Publication | Year |
Yu, J*, Knoppová, J, Michoux, F, Bialek, W, Cota, E, Shukla, MK, Strašková, A, Pascual Aznar, G, Sobotka, R, Komenda, J, Murray, JW, Nixon, PJ*: Ycf48 involved in the biogenesis of the oxygen-evolving photosystem II complex is a seven-bladed beta-propeller protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115(33), E7824-E7833, 2018. | 2018 |
Kóbori, TO, Uzumaki, T, Kis, M, Kovács, L, Domonkos, I, Itoh, S, Krynická, V, Kuppusamy, SG, Zakar, T, Dean, J, Szilák, L, Komenda, J, Gombos, Z*, Ughy, B*: Phosphatidylglycerol is implicated in divisome formation and metabolic processes of cyanobacteria. Journal of Plant Physiology 223, 96-104, 2018. | 2018 |
D'Oronzo, E, Secundo, F*, Minofar, B*, Kulik, N, Pometun, AA, Tishkov, VI: Activation/inactivation role of ionic liquids on formate dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas sp. 101 and its mutated thermostable form. ChemCatChem 10, 3247, 2018. | 2018 |
Borthakur, P, Boruah, PK, Das, MR*, Kulik, N, Minofar, B*: Adsorption of 17α-ethynyl estradiol and β-estradiol on graphene oxide surface: An experimental and computational study. Journal of Molecular Liquids 269, 160-168, 2018. | 2018 |
Strašková, A*, Knoppová, J, Komenda, J: Isolation of the cyanobacterial YFP-tagged photosystem I using GFP-Trap®. Photosynthetica 56(1), 300-305, 2018. | 2018 |
Skotnicová, P, Sobotka, R, Shepherd, M, Hájek, J, Hrouzek, P, Tichý, M*: The cyanobacterial protoporphyrinogen oxidase HemJ is a new b-type heme protein functionally coupled with coproporphyrinogen III oxidase. Journal of Biological Chemistry 293(32), 12394-12404, 2018. | 2018 |
Shukla, MK, Llansola-Portoles, MJ, Tichý, M, Pascal, AA, Robert, B, Sobotka, R*: Binding of pigments to the cyanobacterial high-light-inducible protein HliC. Photosynthesis Research 137(1), 29-39, 2018. | 2018 |
Masuda, T, Bernát, G, Bečková, M, Kotabová, E, Lawrenz, E, Lukeš, M, Komenda, J, Prášil, O*: Diel regulation of photosynthetic activity in the oceanic unicellular diazotrophic cyanobacterium Crocosphaera watsonii WH8501. Environmental Microbiology 20(2), 546-560, 2018. | 2018 |
Bučinská, L, Kiss, É, Koník, P, Knoppová, J, Komenda, J, Sobotka, R*: The Ribosome-Bound Protein Pam68 Promotes Insertion of Chlorophyll into the CP47 Subunit of Photosystem II. Plant Physiology 176(4), 2931-2942, 2018. | 2018 |